Stories from SRP

Articles and more from Salt River Project.

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  • How businesses reduce electricity usage

    How businesses reduce electricity usage

    If SRP is the electricity provider for your business, you’re in luck! We offer each business customer up to $300,000 in qualified rebates for energy-efficient equipment used in commercial and industrial facilities.  Energy rebates  Your business can save on LED lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, data centers and more.  Customers who upgrade their equipment through SRP’s rebates…

  • Keeping utility poles out of landfills

    Keeping utility poles out of landfills

    A new recycling initiative has begun at SRP, bringing us closer to our 2035 Sustainability Goal of sending 75% less industrial waste to landfills and achieving zero industrial landfill waste by 2050. Our wooden utility poles, which are used for electrical line support, were previously difficult to recycle, but now there’s a solution.  Partnering for…

  • Stay safe around power lines 

    Stay safe around power lines 

    Join us for our annual Electrical Safety Workshop and learn how to avoid electrical hazards.




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