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Reducing our carbon footprint

SRP is building a better Arizona with innovative ways to give our customers reliable, affordable and sustainable power and water.

Responsible sustainability is at the core of our approach as we begin to realize the benefits of our industry-leading battery investments, new solar additions and more while ensuring a reliable and affordable power system that is vital to public health and safety.    

One of the key ways we’re taking action is by reducing our carbon footprint.  

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases we generate. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.  

Carbon emissions come from carbon dioxide, or CO2, being released into the air. It’s one of the main greenhouse gases and it’s the one SRP is most focused on decreasing in order to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Many energy companies, including SRP, generate power using fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.  

Because burning fossil fuels creates CO2 emissions, SRP is shifting our energy mix to include more renewable sources. Otherwise known as clean energy, this includes wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric power.  

 SRP protects Arizonans by investing in clean energy PLUS modern, flexible natural gas that helps avoid high prices and dangerous outages. 

As part of our commitment to our customers, we’ve set goals to reduce our carbon emissions intensity and are taking steps to make sustainable practices part of our day-to-day operations. 

Setting big goals to reduce our carbon footprint

More clean energy sources

Goal 1: Cut carbon emissions from energy generation by 82% from 2005 levels by 2035 and reach net zero by 2050.

To reduce our carbon emissions, SRP chose to measure carbon intensity, which is pounds of CO2 emitted per megawatt-hour (MW) of energy produced, according to  

This also means that we will keep reducing carbon emissions as we grow. To help produce more clean energy, SRP is investing heavily in zero-emissions solar energy and has significantly more solar energy capacity currently under development. Once all under-development solar is operational, total solar capacity on SRP’s power system will far exceed SRP’s goal, equaling more than 2,450 MW.  

More energy-efficient buildings

Goal 2: Cut carbon emissions in our facilities by 45% on a mass basis from 2016 baseline.

By making smarter choices in how we build, power and operate our facilities, SRP is reducing its carbon footprint.  

We choose more energy-efficient air conditioners and water-saving fixtures, as well as furniture and carpet made from recycled plastic. It’s greener and healthier for our employees and for the planet. Plus, cost savings add up over time, making it a smart investment for our future.  

Attention to detail counts in all areas of our facilities, including the restrooms. At the largest office headquarters of SRP, even the paper towel waste is recycled through composting

Less carbon on the road

Goal 3: Cut carbon emissions from our fleet by 30% by 2035 (mass basis). 

SRP is investing in a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) to help cut down on emissions. As a company, we encourage employees to adopt EVs too. SRP currently has the largest workplace charging program in Arizona. More than 200 employees drive EVs and charge their cars at work.

SRP also encourages other Valley business to electrify their fleet vehicles and offers rebates on equipment including forklifts and golf carts. Businesses of any size are encouraged to save on workplace EV charging with SRP’s workplace charging rebates

Earning sustainability recognition

The Climate Registry, a nonprofit organization and North America’s largest voluntary registry for greenhouse gas emissions, awarded SRP with Climate Registered™ Platinum Status for the 2020 reporting year.  

We earned this recognition by setting and disclosing a public greenhouse gas emission goal and a public base year, in addition to publicly reporting a third-party verified greenhouse gas emissions inventory for our operations. This data will enable us to track climate initiatives and greenhouse gas reductions credibly over time.  

Want to know more?

Learn more about how SRP measures our carbon footprint by intensity and mass.  

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