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Balancing a reliable, affordable and sustainable energy future 

SRP is making Arizona more sustainable with innovative ways to give our customers reliable and affordable power. Read on for how the recently approved Coolidge Expansion Project will help. 

Arizona’s population is growing fast, and the demand for power is growing too – especially in light of record-breaking heat waves

For more than 120 years, SRP has met the Valley’s needs through careful planning and innovation. Today, that means balancing aggressive sustainability goals – acting as a leading voice in the transition to cleaner energy – with our mission to deliver reliable, affordable and sustainable power.  

The expansion of Coolidge Generating Station doesn’t change SRP’s commitment or plans to reduce carbon. In fact, the emissions from Coolidge will be relatively low and will be more than offset by the reduction in carbon emissions from SRP’s new renewable resources. 

SRP’s sustainability commitment

Our diversified energy portfolio taps into the most efficient, available and cost-effective mix of generation resources.  

With the addition of new resources as outlined by our current resource plan, approximately 75% of SRP customers’ energy needs will be met without carbon emissions by 2035. In addition: 

  • We have about 500 MW of utility-scale solar projects already online. 
  • We recently brought our largest battery storage facility online to help navigate peak usage periods, which typically occur as the sun goes down. 
  • We have over 2025 MW of new battery storage projects under contract and are actively working with developers to bring these projects online.  

How Coolidge will support adding renewables 

Coolidge is a quick-start, fast-ramping plant meant to be used when demand for energy is especially high, like during a hot summer afternoon in the Valley. The turbines at this modern facility can ramp up to help us meet demand for electricity in as little as 10 minutes, helping to smooth the fluctuations in renewable power output.  

By adding capacity at Coolidge, we can support a reliable transition to cleaner energy and integrate more solar, battery and other renewable resources into the grid. We can also ensure that our customers — and the region at large — have access to power all the time, even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. And, of course, the Coolidge Expansion Project will comply with all local, state and federal air quality regulations, which are protective of human health and the environment. 

In short, SRP is expanding Coolidge Generating Station because it is the right balance of reliability, sustainability and affordability – done responsibly.  

Learn more on the Coolidge Expansion Project website

1 comentarios en “Balancing a reliable, affordable and sustainable energy future ”

  1. I am deeply disturbed that the ACC turned down the original request for the Coolidge peaking plant, especially given the strong recommendation for approval from its own Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee. Either the members of the ACC really don’t understand the role of peaking plants as essential to back up renewable resources when they are not available which is frightening OR it is a heavy-handed tactic to insist that SRP spend an extraordinary amount of money to benefit the small community of Randolph in order to allow SRP to fulfill its mission to provide reliable power to millions of people in the Valley. Hopefully the ACC will quit playing politics and do the right thing!

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