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SRP provides reliable, affordable water and power to more than 2 million people living in central Arizona. SRP has provided these essential resources for more than a century to meet the needs of customers and to help the Phoenix metropolitan area, known as the Valley, develop into one of the nation’s most vibrant regions.

Ampliación de nuestra flota eléctrica

Our ever-growing electric vehicle fleet is expanding further with the new addition of electric pickup trucks. There are now 19 electric pickup trucks in service, which include the Ford F-150 Lightning and Chevy Silverado EV, with an additional 19 preparing to enter SRP’s service fleet.  Corporate fleet sustainability  To reach our goal of achieving a 30% carbon emission reduction of our fleet by 2035, we’re

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Birds-eye view of Phoenix with blue skies.

Energizando el Valle en crecimiento 

Aspiramos a impulsar nuevas empresas en el Valle que enriquezcan nuestras comunidades. Las empresas que se expanden en nuestro territorio a menudo añaden empleos bien remunerados, nuevos ingresos económicos y apoyan la fuerza laboral local y los sistemas educativos. El crecimiento del territorio de servicio comercial y residencial que ha experimentado Arizona es un testimonio del gran valor que nuestro estado tiene que ofrecer a los empresarios de todos los sectores. Aquí es donde entra SRP. 

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Dust storm covers the Valley

Microrráfagas durante el monzón

When thunderstorms roll in during a monsoon in the Valley, so does an abundance of wind, which can form microbursts.   What is a microburst?  According to the National Weather Service, a microburst, also known as a downburst, is a localized column of cold sinking air within a thunderstorm. When this cold air plummets to the ground, it disperses at high speed in all directions, often

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