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Prep your home for energy savings while on vacation

There are many benefits to escaping the heat during the summer, including using less power at home. In this post, we’re sharing some simple steps to take before you head out for your next vacation.  

Your AC unit and other large appliances work hard, so why not give them a break too? Here are some ways to prep your home for energy savings while you are away.  

Things to do to prep your home before you leave 

Here are six easy tips to keep your home energy efficient and your vacation worry-free:

  1. Close your blinds, shades and curtains. This will help prevent further heat gain in your home. 
  1. Unplug unnecessary appliances. Small appliances like TVs, coffee makers and cellphone chargers drain energy when plugged in. 
  1. Adjust the refrigerator temperature. Turning your refrigerator and freezer to a slightly warmer setting will still keep everything cool and frozen while preventing excess energy use during your vacation. Filling your refrigerator with jugs of water will also help retain an even temperature.  
  1. Turn off the circuit breaker to your water heater. If you have a gas heater, turn off the gas valve. When you get home, turn the breaker back on, open the supply line and run water from the hot water faucet to be certain the heater is full. 
  1. Adjust your thermostat. Before leaving, set your thermostat at 80° to 85°. If you’re leaving a pet at home, set it at 78° to 80°. Consider getting a smart thermostat so you can adjust the temperature while away and precool your home for when you return. 
  1. Put lights on a timer. While leaving lights on can be a good safety measure, it can also be a waste of energy. Limit energy use by setting lights on a timer to go on and off at different times. 

Prepping your home before you go lowers the chance of a higher energy bill when you return — and helps you keep those vacation vibes flowing. Follow these simple steps for a summer of relaxation!

Discover other ways to save

Looking for more energy-saving advice? Visit for more tips, tools and rebate programs available to make your home even more energy efficient.

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