When you shop local and support a small business, you are supporting your community. At SRP, we highly value our community of small business customers.
We’re continuing to talk about different ways people and companies can be sustainable. Together, we can move toward one reliable future when we make choices that positively affect our environment, society and economic wellbeing.
To shop local is to help your community become more prosperous
We recently shared Nina Mullin’s sustainability story. Thanks to Arizona’s largest workplace charging program here at SRP, she is able to reduce her carbon footprint by driving to work in an electric vehicle every day.
There are many ways to practice sustainability, and today we’re introducing you to Audria Newbold, Digital Marketing Strategist at SRP. Her sustainability superpower is to support local businesses every chance she gets.
Related: 10 reasons to buy local on Local First Arizona’s blog
Change starts with me: Audria Newbold
According to Local First Arizona, for every $100 spent at a local business, $43 remains in the local economy. Conversely, only $13 remains in the local economy when you purchase from a non-local business.
What does sustainability mean to you and how do you engage in it?
“To me, sustainability means spending your money within the local economy as much as possible. This can mean that I shop locally for groceries, home goods and clothing,” said Newbold.
“To accomplish this, I keep a list of places and products I want to check out after noticing small businesses and local makers on Etsy, Instagram and Facebook. I also appreciate that SRP brings in local farmers for on-site markets from time to time.”
In what ways do you support small business and shop local?
“I believe that when we buy local, we are directly supporting someone’s dream. I was so inspired by the small business and local maker movement, I started a blog to share the stories of business owners and unique products available in Phoenix.”
“What’s even better is we have a lot of mom-and-pop boutiques within walking distance of our house. Since becoming a one-car family, we enjoy walking and biking to those small businesses every chance we get. Doubly-sustainable!”
Why do you care about supporting small business and why should others shop local?
“When you buy local, your money is going to a little girl’s ballet lessons or to a family’s living expenses. You’re not supporting a CEO’s third vacation home or a sports car.”
“Plus, local businesses come from the heart of the owner and are created with love. You can feel that when supporting them.”
What inspired you to get involved? How do you inspire others?
“I am inspired by the courage it takes to start a small business. Small business owners and local creatives contribute to Phoenix’s culture, and I really love the personal experience that comes with shopping local.”
“A simple way to challenge yourself to support local is to skip Starbucks and find a neighboring locally-owned coffee shop. Your coffee may even be cheaper, and will most likely come with a side of character.”
Is shopping local in your future?
We hope so! As a jumping-off point, Local First Arizona has a great small business directory on their site. We suggest finding a farmers market near you or visiting an event like First Friday in Phoenix.
Thankfully, the weather is getting nicer, which means more festivals and markets happening outdoors. Where are your favorite places to shop local?