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Supporting nonprofits with solar power

Here at SRP, we value community. One of the ways we encourage our customers to join us in bettering the community is with our SRP Solar for Nonprofits™ program. 

The gift of free solar 

SRP Solar for Nonprofits is an opportunity for customers to contribute as little as $3 a month to go toward solar-covered parking structures, or “solar canopies,” for Valley nonprofits. The donations help pay for the solar installations and SRP will then oversee maintenance of the installation for two years. Helping nonprofits offset their power use with solar allows them to spend less money on electricity and more on helping the community. The program has saved our solar recipients more than $1,000,000 to date. 

Community impact 

Native Health, a nonprofit that works toward providing accessible, holistic and patient-centered care, was a recipient of a solar installation through SRP Solar for Nonprofits in 2023. CEO Walter Murrillo said, “This new solar system will not only help reduce our carbon footprint, but it will also help us in our ongoing efforts of becoming more sustainable. The reduced energy costs from the new system will translate to more money spent in other critical areas of our organization.” 

Another previous recipient, Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK), was delighted to get a free solar canopy.  

“The bottom line is that any money we save in operation costs goes right back to those we serve. Saving money allows us to focus on our mission and provide more resources to families who are building relationships with children through foster care,” said Barb Trella, Director of Development at AASK Arizona. 

Supporting solar 

Combine the impact of clean energy and community support by donating to SRP’s Solar for Nonprofits program. 

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