The SRP Healthy Forest Initiative™ rethinks how we restore the health of Arizona’s forests. Our program aims to prevent large, high-intensity wildfires rather than clean up after them. Sadly, since the year 2000, over 3.5 million acres have burned in and around the 13,000 square miles of northern Arizona that make up the Salt and Verde river and East Clear Creek watersheds.
If we don’t take action now, that number will continue to grow. Due to the high density of brush and the overcrowding of small trees, Arizona’s forests are at risk of burning.
Not only is it devastating to see the beautiful forests in flames, but wildfires also pose a threat to the Valley’s water supply.

Before and after: From overgrown to strategically thinned. Use the slider to see what a healthy and restored forest looks like.
Healthy forests support a healthy water supply
For over a century, SRP has proudly delivered more than half of the Valley’s water supply.
Environmental stewardship is at the heart of SRP’s mission to deliver reliable, affordable and sustainable water and energy to our customers.
Unfortunately, out-of-control wildfires do more than scorch the earth and trees. To sum it up, here’s how these wildfires pose a threat to water supplies:
- High-intensity wildfires ruin the forest floor and nutrients in the soil.
- Snowmelt and rain can’t be absorbed into the ground.
- Water runoff picks up dirt, sediment and debris which then end up in SRP’s system of reservoirs. This can cause water quality and supply issues for communities across the state.
A healthy forest allows more snow and rain to soak into the soil. As a result, sustainable, reliable water makes its way into the rivers, lakes and canals and, eventually, our homes.
SRP is committed to data- and science-based strategic forest thinning efforts. That’s why we invest in research projects and have a goal to partner to help thin 800,000 acres by 2035.
Strategically thinning forests through the SRP Healthy Forest Initiative
SRP’s Healthy Forest Initiative and our partners are helping strategically thin forests in the Salt and Verde river and East Clear Creek watersheds before large wildfires happen.
Strategic thinning removes small trees and brush. Removing this overabundance of vegetation restores forests to more natural densities, reduces wildfire risk, and allows healthier and more resilient trees to grow. When factoring in climate change, which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts will lead to bigger and more frequent fires, this effort is even more urgent.
In addition to preventing and slowing catastrophic wildfires, these strategic thinning efforts:
- Leave large, old trees that are more resilient to drought, disease and insects.
- Help store more carbon in healthy trees and in wood products made from small trees.
- Create a healthier ecosystem that is more resilient to the effects of climate change.
- Protect and enhance wildlife habitat.
- Bring jobs to the area.