Rotating outages, also commonly known as rolling blackouts, are an emergency measure that can be used to protect the electrical power grid from overloading.
In order to minimize the need for rolling blackouts and to help fulfill our mission of providing reliable, affordable and sustainable energy to our customers, SRP developed an innovative planning strategy known as the Integrated System Plan (ISP).
Will SRP ever cause a rolling blackout?
The planning work we do helps us avoid the need for rolling blackouts. But in the event that we ever had to implement temporary power outages, they would only last 20 minutes per circuit, which is why we call them “rolling,” and would only affect small clusters of residences at a time.
When energy demand is at its peak, SRP also uses other measures such as demand response programs and purchasing energy from neighboring utilities to help meet energy demands. We can also request conservation events. A conservation event is when we request that customers use less energy to avoid overstressing the electrical system.
Why conservation events are necessary
Times of high power demand, like a hot afternoon when everyone is running their air conditioner, can put a strain on the electrical grid. Although we have backup generation resources in place to help alleviate this strain, including fast-ramping, flexible natural gas, there are occasionally events when we need our customers’ help.
This is when we may call for a conservation event where we would email customers to reduce their electricity use to give our grid a break. This is entirely voluntary and can help avoid rotating outages.
Can SRP control my power usage?
We cannot control your power usage without your permission. During conservation events, customers will be notified with a request to voluntarily conserve power.
When you enroll your smart thermostat in the SRP Bring Your Own Thermostat Program™ (BYOT), your thermostat will automatically adjust a few degrees higher during periods of high demand to reduce the strain on the power grid. You may always opt out of a conservation event. As an incentive for participating, customers enrolled will earn a bill credit.
Commercial customers who enroll in the SRP Business Demand Response Program™ can also participate in conservation events with the option to opt in or out of each event period, earning payments when they choose to participate.
We value transparency and collaboration with our customers so we can work together to maintain a reliable power grid.