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Wooden power line utility poles stand tall in the desert

Keeping utility poles out of landfills

A new recycling initiative has begun at SRP, bringing us closer to our 2035 Sustainability Goal of sending 75% less industrial waste to landfills and achieving zero industrial landfill waste by 2050. Our wooden utility poles, which are used for electrical line support, were previously difficult to recycle, but now there’s a solution. 

Partnering for a solution 

Wooden utility poles are treated with preservatives, which makes them durable and long-lasting but difficult to recycle in a traditional manner. 

After researching potential solutions to keep these poles out of the landfill, we secured a partnership with Blackwood Solutions, a recycling company committed to sustainable solutions for wood and concrete industrial waste. With assistance from Blackwood Solutions, we can divert 400 tons of treated wooden poles from the landfill each year. Progress like this will move us closer to our sustainability goal. 

“This partnership aims to boost SRP’s current 72% diversion rate by recycling over half of the treated wood waste we generate annually, fostering a greener future for Arizona.”  — Matt Bregar, Investment Recovery Manager, SRP 

Innovative recycling initiatives 

We have a variety of recycling projects at SRP to bring us closer to our waste diversion goal.  

A unique way we’ve repurposed old electric cables is by combining them with our cement-slurry mixture used to backfill trenches for underground distribution lines. This new concrete has actually proven to be stronger and more lightweight than what we used before. 

We’ve also found a way to reuse materials within an office setting. We collect used paper towels around SRP office buildings for local farms to include in their compost, helping them grow seasonal produce and herbs. 

Sustainability at SRP

Learn more about the ways we’re working towards a sustainable future for the Valley.  

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