Cómo gestionamos la alta demanda
We’re explaining the reasons why SRP offers time-of-use price plans to customers. It’s something called peak demand.
Cómo gestionamos la alta demanda LEER MÁS
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SRP provides reliable, affordable water and power to more than 2 million people living in central Arizona. SRP has provided these essential resources for more than a century to meet the needs of customers and to help the Phoenix metropolitan area, known as the Valley, develop into one of the nation’s most vibrant regions.
We’re explaining the reasons why SRP offers time-of-use price plans to customers. It’s something called peak demand.
Cómo gestionamos la alta demanda LEER MÁS
SRP offers a variety of price plans so you can choose one that best fits your lifestyle and budget. Do you know how to maximize your savings on your current price plan?
Descubre tu plan de precios de SRP ideal LEER MÁS
Learn more about our approach to advancing solar in the desert and how you can get your home’s power from the sun without solar panels.
Powering the grid with solar LEER MÁS
Here are five ways it pays to make energy-efficient upgrades around your home.
Ahorra en la mejora de la eficiencia energética de tu hogar LEER MÁS
We’ve recently updated our Sustainability Goals to establish more aggressive targets, including achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
We’re going net zero by 2050 LEER MÁS
When we make an effort to save energy at home, we collectively contribute to a more sustainable environment and lowering our carbon footprint.
Ahorra energía y reduce tu huella de carbono LEER MÁS
SRP proactively addresses the risk of wildfires by implementing Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) to contribute to the safety of our communities and the resilience of our power systems.
Wildfire preparedness: power shutoffs LEER MÁS
Smart, safe digging begins with calling Arizona 811. After consulting the experts, you can safely dig into your project.
Excavar sobre cables activos es muy peligroso LEER MÁS
Prepare for summer by understanding these events.
Explicación de las advertencias de calor excesivo LEER MÁS
Al conservar juntos durante los periodos de alta demanda de energía, todos podemos ayudar a reducir la tensión de nuestra red.
Cómo evitar los apagones rotatorios LEER MÁS