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SRP water expert Charlie Ester shares how we plan for drought. But, what is drought? Is it normal? Will Phoenix have enough water?
SRP water expert Charlie Ester shares how we plan for drought. But, what is drought? Is it normal? Will Phoenix have enough water?
Why do some yards have irrigation while others don’t? To understand the answer to that question, we must go back over a century to the early 1900s.
La historia de la irrigación en Arizona LEER MÁS
We’re explaining the reasons why SRP offers time-of-use price plans to customers. It’s something called peak demand.
Cómo gestionamos la alta demanda LEER MÁS
SRP is pursuing all options to ensure our customers have reliable, affordable and sustainable power in the coming years.
La mezcla de recursos energéticos de SRP LEER MÁS
SRP provides water to more than half the Valley, and is always prepared for drought. See how we are protecting this precious resource.
Protegiendo nuestro suministro de agua LEER MÁS
We’re sharing the interesting ways that SRP monitors the health of our forests where the Valley’s water supply comes from.
Flowing into the future of water LEER MÁS
Have you ever wondered where the Valley’s water comes from? By the time it arrives via canals, Phoenix water has come more than 150 miles from its source. With SRP’s careful planning, our supply is in good hands.
From watershed to showerhead: Where does the Greater Phoenix water supply come from? LEER MÁS
We’re introducing you to two aquatic animals in Arizona water. See the surprising approach SRP takes to keeping algae out of canals. Plus, what you can do to help stop the spread of underwater pests found in our lakes.
Two aquatic animals that impact Arizona water health LEER MÁS
Learn about the camera created by SRP engineers that can tell how much water will run off into our reservoirs each spring.
Can this camera predict the future? See what ‘Snowtography’ can do LEER MÁS
Ever wonder how electricity gets from the power plant to your home? Here’s a simplified explanation and an update on how SRP is modernizing our grid.
Electricity 101: How the Arizona grid works LEER MÁS