Stories from SRP
Articles and more from Salt River Project.
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Cómo reducen las empresas el consumo de electricidad
If SRP is the electricity provider for your business, you’re in luck! We offer each business customer up to $300,000 in qualified rebates for energy-efficient equipment used in commercial and industrial facilities. Energy rebates Your business can save on LED lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, data centers and more. Customers who upgrade their equipment through SRP’s rebates…
Manteniendo los postes de electricidad fuera de los vertederos
A new recycling initiative has begun at SRP, bringing us closer to our 2035 Sustainability Goal of sending 75% less industrial waste to landfills and achieving zero industrial landfill waste by 2050. Our wooden utility poles, which are used for electrical line support, were previously difficult to recycle, but now there’s a solution. Partnering for…
Mantente seguro cerca de las líneas eléctricas
Join us for our annual Electrical Safety Workshop and learn how to avoid electrical hazards.
Conociendo tu suministro de irrigación
SRP delivers water to over 15,000 residences that use flood irrigation to deep water their property. Our team is here to help you get the most out of your irrigation water.
Respondiendo a tus preguntas sobre la irrigación
Learn about irrigation at SRP and find answers to commonly asked questions about irrigation.
Viviendo en sequía
SRP water expert Charlie Ester shares how we plan for drought. But, what is drought? Is it normal? Will Phoenix have enough water?
Fostering economic growth through supplier diversity
Diversifying our supply chain has economically empowered diverse businesses we work with. Our value of ethical, sustainably sourcing products and services inspired the launch of our supplier diversity initiative back in 1995.
SRP está plantando árboles en las comunidades
Valley cities are safer and greener thanks to this partnership with SRP.
SRP y ASU: Construyendo las comunidades del futuro
SRP and ASU are partnering for communities of the future. Learn more about this strategic partnership and how it moves us forward, together.
Reconociendo el empoderamiento de las mujeres en SRP
Durante el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, nuestro objetivo es destacar, honrar y celebrar las contribuciones de las mujeres en SRP.
Amber Clinkscales equilibra los mercados y la comunidad en su rol en SRP
La pasión por su carrera y comunidad es lo que impulsa a Amber Clinkscales, Senior Market Operations Analyst (analista senior de operaciones de mercado) en el departamento de generación y operaciones de transmisión de SRP.
SRP honra la cultura Nativa Americana
SRP se involucra en la concientización cultural durante este Mes de la Herencia Nativa Americana hablando con el Vicepresidente de nuestro Grupo de Recursos para Empleados N.A.T.I.V.E.