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Rows of solar panels at a solar farm during sunset.

Preparing for a sustainable future 

SRP is building a better Arizona with innovative ways to give our customers reliable, affordable and sustainable power and water.  

See how we’re harnessing the power of the sun, wind and water while saving energy so that we can meet the needs of customers today and in the future. 

Investing in renewable energy 

We’re committed to creating a more secure future by finding new ways to decarbonize while investing heavily in sustainable power generation and storage. 


Utility-scale solar allows us to deliver power from the sun to customers throughout the Valley from large solar generation facilities. We’re harnessing solar power from multiple new solar plants around the state and investing heavily in battery storage. 

We are deep into the transition to carbon-free resources. At the end of this year, SRP will be more than half of the way towards completing our goal to have 2,025 MW of new utility-scale solar on the grid. Additional battery energy storage capacity is also under development, which will bring SRP’s total battery storage to more than 1,100 MW by the end of 2024.  


Wind generates power as it blows propeller-like blades, rotating a turbine and spinning a generator. As the first utility to use wind power in Arizona, we’re advancing our efforts with the addition of a wind facility, Babbitt Ranch Energy Center, which produces enough energy to power 40,000 homes. 

“Utility-scale wind power at Babbitt Ranch Energy Center will complement solar resources by providing energy during evening and nighttime hours when solar energy is not available.” 

— Grant Smedley, Director of Resource Planning, SRP
Industrial crane helps build new propellers at wind farm.
Propeller installation at Babbitt Ranch Energy Center.


Hydropower uses flowing water to produce electricity, a method used by SRP since the early 1900s following the construction of Roosevelt Dam. We now generate hydropower from several dams around the state. 

Get a close-up view of one of our hydroelectric generating facilities by visiting Arizona Falls, a waterfall hidden in the heart of the Valley. 

Collaborating for a better future 

Improving the sustainability of Arizona’s future is a collaborative effort. We’ve partnered with Arizona State University for over 40 years, researching energy supply challenges and how we can tackle these issues together. 

“The advantage of working with university students on real-world issues and solutions is that these talented individuals could be a part of our future workforce.”

— Chico Hunter, Manager of Innovation and Development, SRP

We’ve also collaborated with three Southwest utilities: Arizona Public Service, Tuscon Electric Power and Southwest Gas, to create the Center for an Arizona Carbon-Neutral Economy. Our goal is to create an ecosystem of stakeholders working toward a thriving carbon-neutral Arizona economy. 

As we continue to collaborate with industry leaders and stakeholders, we created an Integrated System Plan that prepares us to address evolving power industry challenges and customer needs so that we can continue to provide reliable and affordable power. 

Saving energy together 

Conserving power at home is another great way for us to reduce power plant emissions. We’ve calculated that our energy efficiency programs have generated more than 616,000 megawatt-hours of energy.  

Making small changes around the house can help create a big impact. 

Switching to an electric vehicle is another great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There are many reasons to go electric, one of the most important being that it’s better for the environment.  

But the cars in your driveway aren’t the only vehicles that are adapting for the future. SRP has supported Gilbert Fire in receiving the first electric fire truck in Arizona. When we all work together to cut our carbon emissions, the future of Arizona looks better and brighter. 

Moving our work forward

Learn more about our goals and our progress so far to bring forward a more sustainable future. 

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