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SRP brings in more than half the Valley’s water supply. We manage a series of rivers, dams, lakes, aquifers, storage facilities and over 131 miles of canals to bring raw water to cities, farms, schools and irrigation customers. Learn more about where your water comes and what we’re doing to plan for a sustainable future here.

Water flows inside the Roosevelt Dam

The Valley’s water supply

Water is a precious resource in Arizona, making it crucial to have a diverse water resource mix. This diversity provides flexibility in delivering water to customers, shareholders and municipalities.  SRP’s water portfolio   Our water portfolio consists of surface water stored in reservoirs and underground recharge facilities as well as groundwater pumped from wells, all of which contribute to a more secure water future for the

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Street closure sign blocks the walkway to the canal

Canal closures near you

If you live near a canal or pass one on your regular commute, you might be shocked to see all the water drained and the canal beds dry. This is only temporary!  To ensure our canals provide a consistent flow of water to our customers and to prevent water loss, we perform annual maintenance during dry-ups.   What happens during a canal dry-up?  The first step

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